How (and how not) to Decorate your Bike on Event Day

We love seeing your team spirit at Tour de Pier, from your fun costumes to your heartwarming t-shirts – and we love how you have come up with creative ways to decorate your bikes. We want all riders, from individuals to big teams, to have a day of fun riding to celebrate all your fundraising. We also want to make sure your neighboring riders are able to enjoy their view.

We LOVE your team spirit and appreciate the creativity of all our riders. We can’t wait to see YOUR team spirit!


Look united – whether it is a signature color or a fun theme.

ID your bike – from posters to banners to something hanging from your handlebars.

The best dimensions for a bike banner are 18 X 24 inches. We recommend using heavy weight paper or, even better, vinyl with grommets so you can use it year after year!


Don’t block the view – If you decorate with balloons, don’t use individual balloons that can blow into another rider and block their view. Instead, choose a balloon banner that can tie across all your bikes

Don’t put your decorations into the walkway / space between bikes. If you make decorations or a banner for your bike, don’t make or hang anything wider than 24 inches.

Don’t hang any banners on our TV screens or stages.