This Saturday morning I read an essay by a woman and really I wanted to know her. She was a children’s book author and I’m a book worm, clearly a fit. She wrote so articulately I just thought we could be great friends if things were different. Sadly it was too late, Amy Krouse Rosenthal died just 2 days later of ovarian cancer. Her essay was essentially a personal ad for her husband of 26 years. So many things about her easy tugged at my heart but one thing really stuck with me. She said when she was diagnosed all of her plans for the future got canceled.

“No wonder the word cancer and cancel look so similar” said Rosenthal.

Maybe that was a circuitous route but that’s why I’m riding in Tour de Pier this year. Maybe fewer people can cancel their plans and embrace their life next year or the year after that.

Today I walked on the pier right in front of where I will be riding in just a couple months. I looked around and felt grateful for the beautiful day, my friend by my side, my family and countless other gifts in my life. There are so many people out there fighting cancer; too many. If I can do just a little bit to move the needle closer to eradicating it than I will. If you can donate by sponsoring me, please do. If not please send up a prayer that Tour de Pier is successful and brings us a little closer to CANCELING CANCER!

P.S. The essay is wonderful and well worth the read