Let the games begin

Liz & TJ Underhill

There is nothing our family loves more than a good wager on something, and there really isn’t anything we won’t bet on. So when TJ and I were riding at the Tour de Pier – of course there needed to be a wager.

TJ and I believe strongly in the Tour de Pier and what it represents so we needed to do our part to get people involved and donating. I think everyone will agree things are a bit more exciting and a lot more fun when there’s a good wager on the table.

2018 will mark the third year TJ and I have made a bet to help us raise money for the Tour de Pier. The bet itself has evolved over the years getting – a little steeper every year. TJ, who is known for his long locks, has put his “flow” on the chopping block each year. If I raise more money, TJ is headed to the barber to cut off that flow. But if TJ raises more money, I have to give up something equally painful – and this year it’s caffeine in all its forms for 30 painful days. Sadly for me, every year the people have spoken loud and clear to save TJ’s hair and send me into a 30 day detox. But I remain hopeful that this year the people will take pity on me and my caffeine addiction and will want to see TJ with a nice short and sassy do.

I do believe we are onto something here as every year our bet has gained strength and raised more money with more people involved. Friends have told us that they’ve had family discussions regarding which Underhill to support. Then there are some like Grammy who simply can’t pick a side and donate to both of us. People love to watch the “race” to the finish and see who ends up victorious on that Sunday in May.

Regardless of who “wins” we have both gained so much from our involvement with the Tour de Pier. Our bet has given me the opportunity to show TJ how much fun giving back can be, how fulfilling it is to be part of something bigger than ourselves and the significance of stepping up and becoming involved.

We thank all of the friends, family, coaches, and colleagues who have joined us in support of this great cause. I believe Kory is looking down, proud of what we are doing in his memory and more importantly so happy we are having FUN doing it. We are all in this together so let the games begin… we will all have to wait until May 20th 2018 to see which Underhill comes out on top!