We had heard of Tour de Pier in the beginning stages, when it was first being conceived. It sounded like a fun, great event, but also a cathartic, healthy way to do something positive while channeling all of our family and friends who have been touched by cancer. It was the perfect fit after losing my dad to liver cancer in 2013. And we have been doing it every year since.



In January 2013, we lost my husband’s dear father, Harshad, to an aggressive and quick battle with liver cancer. His 77 years were full of life and joy, but it doesn’t take away the wish that there had been more years. He made everyone around him feel loved, welcome and heard and he made you feel like the most important person when you were with him. He is missed everyday by his family and friends.

To help fight cancer, I am riding in place to move charity forward at the Tour de Pier!
