Chris McGee

Chris McGee, commonly known as “Geeter”, is one of America’s great Sports Broadcasters. Currently he is the lead studio anchor on Time Warner Sportsnet, covering the Lakers and LA Galaxy. For almost a decade he has been fondly known as the “Face of the AVP”, serving as host of Fox Sportsnet’s Volleyball Program “DIG”, doing […]
Alexi Lalas

“The Tour de Pier is a unique opportunity to support the fight against cancer in a fun and healthy way. The fight takes a team working together, and I’m so proud to be part of the Tour de Pier team.” — Alexi Lalas
Tony Cruz

Tony Cruz is one of the most recognized and accomplished road cyclists in America. As a professional racer and member of teams including the US Postal Service, Discovery Channel, Toyota-United, and BMC, Tony has raced domestically and internationally with some of the best racers and team directors in the world. Cruz’s cycling resume includes: Representing the […]
Heather Petri

Heather Petri is one of the most decorated female water polo players in the world. She is one of two, US female water polo players, to have competed in four Olympic Games, and the US team is the only female water polo team to have medaled in all four Olympic games they have competed in. They […]
Craig Hummer

I’ve been affected by cancer on a personal, professional, familial and community level. The Tour de Pier is the perfect chance for me to combine my love of athletics with my belief that everyone should support charitable causes. This event will be a great celebration – not just a chance to remember, but to energetically […]
Landon Donovan

Whether Cancer has touched you directly or impacted a loved one, we are all in this fight together. The Tour de Pier is a terrific event and I’m excited to support such a meaningful cause. Landon Donovan, Former Professional Soccer Player Landon Donovan is widely regarded as the greatest American male player in the history of […]
Melissa Meyers

Being on the opposite coast from my mom while she was going through her pancreatic cancer treatment made me feel helpless. When I discovered the Tour de Pier, I immediately signed up and put my energy into fundraising to help make a difference. The last time I saw my Mom before she was diagnosed with […]
2015 Elite Team Challenge

Tour de Pier Teams with Online Gaming Developer Zwift to Allow Cyclists from Around the World to Help Fight in the Fight Against Cancer Zwift’s Cutting-Edge Videogame Technology Allows Cyclists To Ride With Southern California’s Best Race Teams Against a Common Enemy In The Elite Team Challenge LOS ANGELES, CA (April 13, 2015) – ZWIFT, […]
Joel Elliott

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon in March when I sat up in the saddle and raised my hands in victory. I had just completed 324.9 miles in 26.5 hours. My ankles were swollen and purple and each pedal stroke felt like ice shards were being packed into the joints. The palms of my hands […]
Ara’s Angels

Erika Weiss, team captain of Team Rainbows & Unicorns, recently shared an update on her husband Ara with us. And we want to share this inspiring story with you: “Ara had his 6-month post-treatment scan last week, and there are no signs of cancer! The plan going forward is that he will get a scan […]
Townsend Bell

I’m thrilled to support Tour de Pier and its beneficiaries and efforts to raise much-needed funds for cancer research and wellness. As much as I love auto racing, I am also an avid cyclist. Raising funds through physical philanthropy at Tour de Pier is an incredible way to support the cause and help raise awareness for the […]
Jeff Louder

As with all of us, I have a personal connection with Cancer. My Mother-in Law had breast Cancer and is currently in remission. Her sister died of the same disease when she was quite young and so we feel very lucky and grateful for her success with the treatment she was given. I am proud to support the efforts of […]