Dana Manciagli

I’ve been with Virginia Mason since 1998. Right now, I’m in what’s called NED. So I’ll never see remission. I’ll see NED. And we love NED, and it stands for No Evidence of Disease. I’m on treatment every day. I’m taking medicine and shots and things for treating cancer. I am not cancer-free, and I’m […]
Jack Bowkus

When they said, “You’re gonna be in for a fight,” I now know what they mean. Taking out my entire stomach to get all the cancer. Well, it was very difficult for me. I coach hockey to a youth group called the Junior Kings. They’re 13 year-olds. I think a lot of them knew, but […]
Lori Bernstein

On my mom’s 73rd birthday, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She lived for 16 months. She was amazing through the whole—her whole struggle, and her whole battle, really. Of course, here she was with pancreatic cancer, and she was making sure that she made her donation to the Tour de Pier, because she knew […]
Robbie & Dylan Knowles

Like many of us, Robbie & Dylan Knowles have been impacted by cancer. In fact, multiple people close to them have dealt with cancer. When their aunt was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, it really hit home. The Knowles brothers watched their cousins struggle through their mom’s battle and subsequent passing, and they knew they wanted […]
Benjamin Bequer

Benjamin Bequer: Why I Ride I lost my father to pancreatic cancer in September of 2016. The Tour De Pier is a very emotional day because I remember riding in 2016 while he was gravely ill and still hopeful that he would win his battle with cancer. He was not only my father, he was […]
Event Day – Sunday May 19, 2019

IF YOU ARE VOLUNTEERING ON SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2019: Arrival Time: Please arrive 30 minutes before your designated shift time. If you signed up for an all day shift, check in begins at 6:30am. When you arrive, check-in at the Volunteer Check-In booth located on the north side of Manhattan Beach Blvd west of Manhattan […]
Ride the Nite – Saturday May 18, 2019

IF YOU ARE VOLUNTEERING ON SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2019 FOR RIDE THE NITE: Arrival Time: Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your designated shift. The check-in will be located on the north side of Manhattan Beach Blvd west of Manhattan Ave. toward the bottom of the hill. Parking: We strongly encourage carpooling and/or being dropped off at the […]
Event Set Up – Saturday May 18, 2019

IF YOU ARE VOLUNTEERING ON SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2019 FOR SET UP: Arrival Time: Please arrive 30 minutes before your designated shift and check-in. The check-in will be located on the north side of Manhattan Beach Blvd west of Manhattan Ave. toward the bottom of the hill. Parking: We strongly encourage carpooling and/or being dropped off at the […]