Team Little Bear

Ben’s world was rocked in 2003 when his dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and his best friend, Zane, was diagnosed with glioblastoma. When Ben’s dad was diagnosed he told him, “it’s not a matter of if but a matter of when” we will beat these cancers. Being part of the Tour de Pier and […]
Avery Family

Fight Like the Averys By Duncan & Nohea Avery Noah is our goofy, fun-loving, silly 5 year old boy who has a smile that will lighten the room. He’s such a unique, special, perfect little boy. Our 7 year old daughter is tougher than nails. She is an amazing big sister. She just takes her […]
Update: Chinny Hackley

We’re excited to share another Why I Ride update with you! The Hackley family has been supporting the Tour de Pier for many years. In 2016 Tara & Chip shared the story of their son Chinny’s cancer diagnosis and treatment which began when he was just 2 ½ years old. That year, Chinny rode on […]
Lori Bernstein

On my mom’s 73rd birthday, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She lived for 16 months. She was amazing through the whole—her whole struggle, and her whole battle, really. Of course, here she was with pancreatic cancer, and she was making sure that she made her donation to the Tour de Pier, because she knew […]
Scott Rush

This just seems like the right place to be, and to put money towards. I do believe there’s a cure right around the corner, and so it’s totally worth it.” – Scott Rush Support Team Scott’s ride today!
Marley McLaughlin

Hi, I’m the Amazing Princess Marley! As many of you know, I was diagnosed with brain cancer at age 2. Not only did I confront this with all my might but I kicked cancer’s ass (my Dad said that bad word not me). Until last year, I was cancer-free. It pains me to tell you […]
Liz Underhill

Sisterhood By Liz Underhill I ride in the Tour de Pier for two reasons; two really important people. On May 18, 2013, the day before the first Tour de Pier, we lost a huge piece of our lives. Kory Lewis Hunter passed away after a courageous 22 month battle with Glioblastoma. Kory taught me so […]
Jennifer Caras

The first year I rode in Tour de Pier, one of my very best friends and I got a bike. It was such an incredibly inspiring, heartwarming day that she said to me “We have got to get a team together in honor of your sister and do this next year!” Julie’s Angels has grown […]
Andrew Sloves

Whether it’s an aunt, uncle, mother in law or friend, everyone is touched by cancer. Lung, colon, breast, brain, pancreatic. The list goes on and on. Cancer doesn’t care about your age, your race, your gender, or your politics. I ride in the Tour de Pier because it is a great event that supports the […]
Wendi Davenport

Most people know my story by now….. I was first diagnosis in December 2004 at the age of 30. Lots of chemotherapy and a bilateral mastectomy and I was back in remission. Yeah! After 3 years of remission we started discussing babies and starting a family. My surgical oncologist told us to freeze some embryos […]
Dylan Hunter

“Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” — Madeline L’Engle Driving on the 110 freeway through downtown Los Angeles during morning commute has to be one of my least favorite drives on the planet. People do this torture everyday. God help them and their blood pressure. I once declared […]
Christian (Chinny) Hackley

Our son, Christian (known to everyone as Chinny), was diagnosed with a brain tumor in December of 2010. I will never forget the moment I found out. It was the most painful feeling in the world. When I received the dreaded phone call and those terrible words no parent should ever have to hear, it felt like […]