Amigos Unidos

Hank & Jacob

Thanks to Hank & Jacob Parker for sharing their story of why they volunteer at the Tour de Pier! Watch the video and join the volunteer crew for a day of fun and giving back. Our volunteers help make the event magic happen!
Event Day – Sunday May 19, 2019

IF YOU ARE VOLUNTEERING ON SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2019: Arrival Time: Please arrive 30 minutes before your designated shift time. If you signed up for an all day shift, check in begins at 6:30am. When you arrive, check-in at the Volunteer Check-In booth located on the north side of Manhattan Beach Blvd west of Manhattan […]
Ride the Nite – Saturday May 18, 2019

IF YOU ARE VOLUNTEERING ON SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2019 FOR RIDE THE NITE: Arrival Time: Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your designated shift. The check-in will be located on the north side of Manhattan Beach Blvd west of Manhattan Ave. toward the bottom of the hill. Parking: We strongly encourage carpooling and/or being dropped off at the […]
Event Set Up – Saturday May 18, 2019

IF YOU ARE VOLUNTEERING ON SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2019 FOR SET UP: Arrival Time: Please arrive 30 minutes before your designated shift and check-in. The check-in will be located on the north side of Manhattan Beach Blvd west of Manhattan Ave. toward the bottom of the hill. Parking: We strongly encourage carpooling and/or being dropped off at the […]