Team Talia

Talia never thought she would get cancer, let alone a cancer she didn’t even know existed. On her 45th birthday, she was diagnosed with stage 4 cholangiocarcinoma, commonly known as bile duct cancer. At last year’s Tour de Pier, Talia’s friends and family surprised her with an outpouring of affection and support by organizing Team […]
Brenda & Ricky

Brenda Bush and her husband Dr. Ricky Bush have built a beautiful life together, filled with family, friends, and fitness. Running, biking and exercise have always been family activities. Brenda’s dad, Joseph was eating kale before it was a thing and affectionately earned the nickname “our Ironman”. One day Joseph was yellow from jaundice and […]
Heather aka HOJO

Team HOJO has heard the news, “it’s cancer” too many times. Both Heather & Billy’s mothers were both diagnosed with breast cancer in the same week. Years later, when Heather, aka HOJO, was diagnosed in 2016, it was a tough day. Her determination to be there for her kids, to stay positive, and to continue […]
Jill & Team Chevron

Why I Ride: Jill Dunn, née Brunkhardt-Taylor I’d never experienced cancer with anybody before. I mean, I knew a lot of people who had been diagnosed and been through treatment, but never somebody so close to me. I’ve been working in what’s now the Corporate Affairs Department at Chevron for over 13 years. My husband […]
Avery Family

Fight Like the Averys By Duncan & Nohea Avery Noah is our goofy, fun-loving, silly 5 year old boy who has a smile that will lighten the room. He’s such a unique, special, perfect little boy. Our 7 year old daughter is tougher than nails. She is an amazing big sister. She just takes her […]
Kelly Miyahara

Kelly Miyahara‘s Breast Cancer Story My mom has watched “Jeopardy” since I can remember. It was the one shows our family was allowed to watch during dinner because it was educational, and my mom was a schoolteacher. One weekend, Sunday morning, my parents called to tell me about an ad they saw on TV. They […]
Jennifer Valladares

Why I Ride, My Personal Cancer Success Story! by Jennifer Valladares I am grateful to have found the Tour de Pier. Since 2014, I have been riding at this event. As some of you know I will be riding in the Tour de Pier in Manhattan Beach on Sunday, May 17th, 2020. This is an […]
Team One Love

Team One Love is about unity. It is about riding for those who can’t and riding alongside people who can. We’re all one, and so it’s One Love, one team, one community, for one purpose – to cure cancer. I had heard about the Tour de Pier but by the 3rd year, I wanted to […]
Update: Chinny Hackley

We’re excited to share another Why I Ride update with you! The Hackley family has been supporting the Tour de Pier for many years. In 2016 Tara & Chip shared the story of their son Chinny’s cancer diagnosis and treatment which began when he was just 2 ½ years old. That year, Chinny rode on […]
Update: Candice Witek

Back in 2016, Candice shared her “Why I Ride” story with us, after she had undergone treatment for invasive breast cancer. She continues to helm the Flourish RX team, run a small business and is a wife and mom of 3. We are excited to share that Candice recently had a 5-year scan and remains […]
Dana Manciagli

I’ve been with Virginia Mason since 1998. Right now, I’m in what’s called NED. So I’ll never see remission. I’ll see NED. And we love NED, and it stands for No Evidence of Disease. I’m on treatment every day. I’m taking medicine and shots and things for treating cancer. I am not cancer-free, and I’m […]
Jack Bowkus

When they said, “You’re gonna be in for a fight,” I now know what they mean. Taking out my entire stomach to get all the cancer. Well, it was very difficult for me. I coach hockey to a youth group called the Junior Kings. They’re 13 year-olds. I think a lot of them knew, but […]