Everyone has a story.
My story started on July 17, 2012 when my husband Bill was diagnosed with cancer. He had been battling pneumonia for a while, and when the symptoms began to include back pain and hip weakness my worst fears were realized. The cancer had taken hold in his chest, spine, pancreas, liver, hip and skin. Doctors could not determine where it had started. We could not know at the time what the journey would entail or how long it would be.
Bill was a valiant fighter, due in no small part to his fearless determination and faith. He already had overcome Hodgkin’s lymphoma when he was 30. I can’t say the same about me. I was petrified. Bill endured countless rounds of chemo, transfusions, shots, and meds. In December 2012, the diagnosis was confirmed. He had pancreatic cancer. His journey here ended at home on February 6, 2013.
The journey was so fast and furious I barely had time to process what was happening. But we were blessed. We had access to the best care, cutting edge medications, and ultimately empathic hospice providers to support our family to the end. And the biggest blessing has been the boundless love and support Bill and I and our three kids have received from this community. I could never have imagined what this outpouring of love and support could feel like; it is truly amazing.
Throughout Bill’s illness I found a haven in spin class at Fit On. I’m not sure how many folks knew of my husband’s cancer, but I always felt uplifted by the energy in the room. Never underestimate the power of shared energy! I have continued spinning almost every day as part of my personal recovery since Bill’s passing. When the inaugural Tour de Pier came around, I jumped at the chance to participate. It seemed like an amazing yet logical step on my journey. I think that beautiful day last May was the first time I smiled for 4 hours straight! It was overwhelming to see so many people gathered to support those touched by cancer. It felt very personal and powerful to be part of the effort to change the course of those afflicted with the disease.
I am honored and grateful to be part of this year’s Tour. Together we can make a difference in the lives of so many. We honor the memories of those who have passed and support those still fighting. Join us. Feel the power!