When Judy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2016, she fought hard and defied the odds. She was cancer-free for 5 years and had been sharing her story with newly diagnosed patients to offer hope. In 2023, after her cancer had returned, her son, Jason – wanting to support his mom in any way he could – registered for Tour de Pier and created the team Good Juju to ride and rally around her.

Jason rallied his community, including the childhood friends he grew up with. By event day, Team Good Juju had 30 people riding and had raised over $25,000! Judy and Jason have seen firsthand the advancements in pancreatic cancer over the past 7 years, and they know that events like Tour de Pier are driving medical progress.

Team Good Juju rides for hope and to find better treatments for pancreatic cancer. Join them, let’s make a difference